Quantum Somatics
Quantum Somatics is the power of our heart to heal disease/disorder, and ignite nervous system soothing. Beyond our physical we are energy and we can embody vibrant, healthy, and youthful energy! My belief is every disease and disorder is our body sharing a story of what we need, and when we hold space for listening to this we catalyze a higher vibration of health and happiness.
You can visit Quantum Somatics Oasis by clicking here for more information and to book your session, or read below:)
Our Wisdom To Thrive
We have a magical intelligence within our body, it is the deep knowing that life is one to celebrate and be in our power, and when our energy is continually low our body is telling us we are out of alignment.
There are many strategies that can help us harness our power, and end depression, anxiety, autoimmune diseases, overall life dissatisfaction etc.,
I am qualified in multiple variations of quantum healing and nervous system soothing practices, as I always feel drawn to learn all that I can so I can hold the most powerful and healing space. We let your body choose what it needs for your session, and this may be different in the following session.
Quantum matrix healing is a technique that honours all layers of your energy body (physical, mental, emotional, chakras, auric field, and past lives.) Some nervous System Soothing practices like Yin Yoga, Marma Chikitsa, Emotional Freedom Techniques, Reflexology and Reiki, Thought Field Therapy, and Art Therapy can facilitate healing deeply, and honour your power/wisdom.
What To Expect
I will hold a safe, compassionate, and healing space for you to share your story. You can share what you feel safe and what you are ready to share, and you can share where you feel distress and dissatisfaction in your body and/or in your life.
All sessions are virtual and in the comfort of your home.
Each session is approx. 60 minutes, if we feel we need to go over this time, there is not extra cost.
Healing Sessions Are $288 CAD (Including Tax) and you can etransfer to kyrapagefitness@yahoo.com
You Can Book By Emailing or texting/calling:
Canada 587-973-2325